Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Detroit Vs The World


After the calamitous Civil War, which ripped everything apart because of a baked in slave society, which is a national and cultural disgrace, one of many that we blood soaked Europeans have never really answered for, there were suddenly a whole lot of job openings, mostly down on the same old farm, turning institutionalized horror for an entire continent with no rights, no voice, and introducing them to Sharecropping, which was basically the same thing, only now you had to go before a judge or two before you could whip your “employees”.


It was and still is a cultural disgrace that goes beyond the things you learn in school, and this country just went right back to work as if nothing had really changed, which it hadn’t. But then the century turned and there was suddenly a demand for these newfangled automobiles, and someone had to build these things, and now there was an entirely new vista for those shackled to the Sharecropping slavery eternally.


And these people moved north, entered into the factories and the foundries which were busy overheating with demand for more, more, more, and for most of Western history, this would be yet another invitation to enslave an entire generation, but there was a dude, who admittedly had some strange ideas geopolitically, who saw that if these people building these new cars could then turn around and buy the car they just built, everybody wins.


Of course, Henry Ford is a seminal figure in American history, one of the few people who affirmatively changed the game. And his Ford factory revolutionized an entire world, an entire culture, making it possible to go as far as the human spirit could take you. And then the whole world went crazy and started killing each other.


This is when the Ford factories, the backbone of the American empire, threw all of its might, all of its capital, physical, human, everything, into building the tanks and the trucks and the tough stuff that allowed us to stand up to a world gone fascist, beating it back into its hateful ground, all made possible by the men and their families and their children and their children’s children who walked off those plantations and searched for a better life.


Those are the people who built this country, who saved the world, and they did it as a team, each individual doing his part to make the machine strong, to build a backbone for a world that had mostly screwed them over.


That’s why the Joe Louis fist is prominent in Detroit, beaten and battered old Detroit, who only went and saved the world and gave dignity to people whose culture had just been desecrated. That’s why the mural of hands helping each other is a point of pride for Detroit, who gave everything, took in everyone, just so that the world could maybe be a better place.


And that’s why it is outrageous whenever people sneer and shit talk Detroit. It is a personal and cultural OUTRAGE. Which is why Detroit has always adopted the Detroit vs. Everybody theme. It literally has been Detroit versus EVERYBODY on planet Earth, and we have dragged you through.


And now your jackass drunk uncle is going to sneer and make fun of the Lions having their annual Thanksgiving Day game, which we invented. And everyone is going to laugh at the Lions and their idiot fans, but that team, the Detroit Lions, is owned by the Ford family, that same family that bought you this world that you live and thrive in. This is their team, this is OUR team. This is the last ugly man standing of the furious angels who came to help the beaten down man to put one more crank in at his station so that the whole world could continue on living off his sweat and labor. Every time you see the Detroit Lions, be reminded that they are avatars for faceless men and women who ground down on their work and made the American century possible.


Watch the Lions and recognize that in their fanbase lies the descendants of those people, the people who gave you the life you live today off of their hard work, a thing that they could claim as their own while the miserable Sharecropper bastards down South played on their ugly tune, lazy ingrates who never knew that the people they literally owned were building the armor that would protect those hayseeds from the wild nasty fascist horror show that threatened to take over the world.


But they didn’t take over the world, because Detroit did its job. And sure, these Lions teams are a poor reflection of all that iron will, but they are still our team, they are still the Ford’s team, and you will never ever be able to take that away from us. So make your jokes, get a little tipsy and forget what the hell is going on because Detroit has got this. Always. We’ve never broke. We’ve bent, we’ve been kicked in and beaten on, but we are still here, and the people who saved this godforsaken country over and over again are still here. It is Detroit vs The World and we wouldn’t have it any other way


Lions 17 Bears 10

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